" Inner Grace Meditation" is about divine grace. Divine grace is not something you look for or try to make happen. You have the intention to close your eyes and start to withdraw from your environment and let the laws of gravity gracefully take you to the bliss that is deep down inside of you. Deep rest, deeper than deep sleep, allows stress to leave you. The gift of divine grace or divine judgment is an automatic by product of letting go and NOT CONCENTRATING so much. Simplicity.

Create a space in the thought process via sound "Mantra" and the gift of grace melts tensions away so your ready for the world.

And, when the world takes too much of you, you just go back to that quiet space between thoughts. The kind of space that is unbounded. Without any judgments. The space of divine grace that guides you in your life. A gift that you didn't consciously ask for but it showed up in moments all on its own. Without trying and concentrating”.

Namaste: Louis Thomas Valentino


“I had Lou teach his workshop at “Seasons of Yoga” and not only did my
students and I come out of the workshop with an increased understanding
of meditation but the experience made me feel connected to everything else.
Just the idea that I could sit in silence and help others in the world without
even doing anything was appealing to me. As a Reiki healer and teacher of
Yoga, I highly recommend Lou's approach. It just might be the thing that
brings the world together. As a parent, it just might be the thing that creates
an environment for our children that is non-violent”. Ahimsa ( non-violence).

TERRI BESSETTE- Former owner of Seasons of Yoga in Haverhill, MA


“ After I had taken Lou's Inner Grace Meditation Workshop, I realized
after all of the years of trying so hard to be spiritual I never just let
the experience of spirituality unfold all by itself. During the workshop
I expressed that finally after all of my extensive studies in spirituality,
my mind just shut off all by itself without any effort. No expectations.
Just the mantra (Sound) coming and going as it wanted. What a great
gift to give to not only Yoga practitioners but anyone who wants to
experience the peace that passe all understanding.

GINA VON EIFF- Participant at Long Island Center of Yoga in Babylon, NY.

INNER GRACE MEDITATION WORKSHOP Indiviual rate ($75.00), group rate ($45.00)

Someone started a rumor thousands of years ago that meditation and
life is difficult. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Individual instruction can be done in person or by phone at your convience. It takes around an hr.

A follow up call a week later is required to see how your practice is going.

In this 2hr workshop yoga students experience the last
4 limbs of Patanjali's ashtanga classical model of yoga. (Pratyahara),
withdrawal from the material world. (Dharana), allowing the mind to
gracefully become concentrated. (Dhayana), emotional and mental calm
and lastly (Samadhi) or union (Yoga) with one's true nature which is bliss.

Benefits include: Normalization of blood pressure, dissolving deep rooted
stresses that deep sleep does not reach, reversal of aging, more energy, a more intimate connection to nature,
development of the soul and so much more.

A mantra (Sound) is selected for the individual or group from the birth-time of the consultation or
workshop. Lou will also discuss the horizontal verses the vertical approaches
too meditation with handouts.


“Lou has taught Inner Grace Meditation a couple of times at Amethyst
Point and I feel that his workshop has more substance about the topic
than others. Between his experience with astrology and his extensive
background in Yoga, he is able to combine the missing link between
the physical and the spiritual”. I highly recommend him.

ARLENE DORISCHILD- Former owner of Amethyst Point in
Worcester Massachusetts.

Lou Valentino has been practicing Inner Grace Meditation everyday for
44 years. He is a graduate of the Science of Creative Intelligence by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and received his certification in Hatha Yoga from
The Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago Illinois in November of 2002. Visit
his website www.yogavisionaries.com for more information.(860-574-9467)